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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) 3170 Fairview Park Drive Falls Church, VA 22042 USA (+1) 703.876.1000 Find out about the people and experience that make CSC one of the leading providers of business technology services around the world. Our Business: A leading global consulting, systems integration and outsourcing company, CSC's mission is to provide customers in industry and government with solutions crafted to meet their strategic goals and enable them to profit from the advanced use of technology. For more than 48 years, our experience has guided clients through the maze of constant business and technology change, while maintaining a focus on delivering innovative, practical results. Consulting From business and IT consulting to process improvement and implementation, we offer our customers technologies and business models that allow them to quickly and efficiently improve the way they do business. Systems Integration When it comes to innovative, complex and mission-critical systems integration tasks, we have satisfied even the most demanding clients. We guide our customers through the planning, design and implementation of proven, innovative custom or packaged solutions that will achieve their business objectives. Outsourcing Experience the results of outsourcing - with CSC as your trusted partner. Commercial and government clients in 15 countries benefit from our advanced, secure and mobile infrastructure driven by a unique outsourcing approach. Client Results CSC consistently and successfully provides business and technology solutions tailored to a wide range of industries. Our customers benefit from our experienced employees, collaborative culture and ability to manage highly complex programs with leading solutions providers worldwide. Financial Performance: In the fiscal year ending March 28, 2008, Revenue was $16.5 billion. NYSE: CSC Management Profiles: Our senior management team has an average of 25 years of domestic and international IT experience and a strong history of business, academic and technological accomplishments. Employee Information: CSC has 90,000 employees in 80 countries worldwide. Hear their voices. Join our team. Organization: CSC is organized in business units representing vertical industry groups, horizontal lines of service and geographies. History: In April 1959 - One Hundred Dollars and a Dream: CSC is Born. The CSC Point of View: Best Total Solutions™ That Work for You We believe that each client is unique, and that each client’s conception of value will change over time. New conditions will prevail, new priorities will emerge and new technologies will become affordable. Sustaining value, once it is created, is key. To do that, CSC delivers the Best Total Solution™, a custom approach specifically designed with your business in mind. But “custom” doesn’t mean costly. “Best” doesn’t mean one-time—we build flexibility right into our solutions. And “total” means that a CSC solution spans not just hardware and software, but all the elements of work, all the complex facets of providing service—from contract terms to risk analysis, knowledge management to security services. So it’s not just what CSC does for you that delivers results. It’s also how, when and where we do it. CSC’s Mission The mission of CSC is to be a global leader in providing technology-enabled business solutions and services. Our Management Principles Our mission demands that we make an absolute commitment to excellence in our performance. We will achieve our mission by observing these principles: * We commit to client satisfaction as our most important business objective. * We recognize that CSC's accomplishments are the work of the people who comprise CSC. We will encourage initiative, recognize individual contribution, treat each person with respect and fairness, and afford ample opportunity for professional growth. * We require the highest standards of professionalism and technical competence from our people. * We will maintain the highest standards of ethics and business conduct and operate at all times within the laws of all countries in which we do business. * We will proactively pursue new business opportunities, and commit to success in each undertaking. * Our success as a company requires that we achieve financial performance consistent with these principles and commensurate with a leadership position in our industry. Diversity Statement: We value the diversity of our employees and the unique perspectives they bring to CSC. Diversity at CSC not only includes age, race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, and ethnicity, but also jobs and functional roles within the company, the markets and clients we serve, our geographic locations, educational background and whether one joined CSC independently or through an acquisition or outsourcing arrangement. By valuing these differences, we demonstrate our commitment to treating everyone with fairness and respect. Alliance Partners CSC has teamed with leading software and hardware providers to serve the needs of our clients. Learn about CSC's strategic alliances, including: * Dell * EMC * HP * IBM * Intel * Microsoft * Oracle * SAP * Sun Microsystems * Xerox OUR MAJOR LOCATIONS:: 1:The Americas Corporate Headquarters 3170 Fairview Park Drive Falls Church, VA 22042 USA 2:Australia 26 Talavera Road Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 Australia 3:Asia 139 Cecil Street, 08-00 Cecil House Singapore 4: EMEA Royal Pavilion Wellesley RD Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 1PZ, United Kingdom

The pattern is....

5 Rounds:
1. Aptitude
2. Technical Written
3. Communication round (including extempo)
4. Technical Interview
5. HR

NO of ques : 100
Time : 40 minutes

This paper was divided into 7(seven) sections:
1. Sequence figures : 10 questions
In this section U have to trace out the next figure in the given sequence OR find out the ODD figure from given four figures. This is very simple section and U can do it very easily.

2. Numerical Series : 15 questions
In this section U have to find the odd no in given series OR find the next no in the given series OR what comes in place of ? in a series. Practice this type of question from R.S Agarwal.I remember only few question which I am trying to give below:
6 9 12 ? 6
6 ? 9 9 6
9 12 6 3 6
this is just the type of ques.It may not be the exact one.
U see that the sum of each row is 36. So ?=6.There were many ques of this type.
3 6 18 ? 7 8
1 2 6 6 3 2
This types if questions were there in which U have to find the no replacing ?....

3. Non verbal reasoning : 15 questions
Here U are given 4 squares figures (a,b,c,d) differing slightly in thickness of their sides Now U are given a few set of figures with some figures left out.These blanks are numbered 1 to 15.U have to fit one of the above given square figures in each blank.This is a very simple question and U can do it easily.

4. Analytical Reasoning :15 Questions
This section contained questions as given in puzzle section of RS Agarwal.It contains 4 parts with 5,5,3,2 questions.Just do it with patience.Make tables and then U will easily answer the questions following it.. don't remember the exact question but I am sending approximately same question:

(i).Four friends are given named Akansha,Anuska,Anisha, ... , ... .Each of them live in a separate home and sleep on one bed.Akansha and Anuska have two extra beds,two of the house have green lawns while the rest have narrow porchs,One of the house has Airconditioner while the est have fans.And so on.. Based on these informations five questions were asked like
What is the total no of beds in all houses?
ans:14(not sure!!just check it)
Who lives in the house with green lawn and with AC?
These type of questions are very simple.Just make the table and U will get all the answers

(ii).Five students and five subjects and given along with few information.Five questions are asked following the questions.This is a bit tricky do it in the end.

(iii).In a given knockout series England defeated Pakistan,Pakistan was defeated by Newzealand, India defeated both England and Newzealand.
Three very simple questions were asked like:
Who won the series? ans: India
Who didn't win a single match? ans: Pakistan
How many matches were played in total?

(iv). This is also very simple question..U can answer it easily.

5. Spatial reasoning : 15 Questions
This question is similar to the MIRROR IMAGE part of RS Agarwal.A Figure is given and U have to identify the figure which "CANNOT BE" the mirror image of the given figure which can be rotated along any axis.

6. English aptitude : 15 Questions
This section contains two parts:
(i). 5 questions asking synonym of given words. (one of the word is quiet ans:silent)
(ii).10 questions aksing to identify words not similar in meaning to the given words. (one of the word is mutiny and the alternatives are
a)uprising b)rebel c)revolt,d).... answer:b )

7. 3D reasoning : 15 Questions
This section contained questions in which a 3 dimentional figure is given and U have to judge how it would look from the side indicated in the question like from below,from back etc. Also there are questions in which a sheet is given with marks on it along which it can be folded.U have to judge from the given option the three dimentional structure which can be build by folding the sheet along the given lines .

CSC - Model Paper - Questions With Answers :

Directions (Q. 1-5): In these questions @, #,$,,% are used with different meanings as follows:

'P@Q' means 'P is not greater than Q'.

'P#Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q'.

'P$Q' means 'P is not smaller than Q'.

'PQ' means 'P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q'.

'P%Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor equal to Q'.

In each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true.

Give answer 1): if only conclusion I is true.

Give answer 2): if only conclusion II is true.

Give answer 3): if either conclusion I or conclusion II is true.

Give answer 4): if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true.

Give answer 5): if both conclusion I and II are true.

6. Statements: F$W,W#T,TK

Conclusions: I. FK


7. Statements: R@M,M%D,D$H

Conclusions: I. R@H


8. Statements: J$L,L#B,B@E

Conclusions: I. E$L


9. Statements: A$V,V#R,R@U

Conclusions: I. UR


10. Statements: F%G,G@H,HJ

Conclusions: I. F@H


Directions (Q.11-15): In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Give answer 1): if only assumption I is implicit.

Give answer 2): if only assumption II is implicit.

Give answer 3): if either assumption I or assumption II is implicit.

Give answer 4): if neither assumption I nor assumption II is implicit.

Give answer 5): if both the assumptions I and II are implicit.

11. Statement: “Enroll with us before 30th November to get the advantage of our 20% discount offer”. -An advertisement by a coaching class


I. Discount offer is bound to attract good students as well.

II. Even those students who cannot afford to pay the fees of coaching classes may join this class.

12. Statement: “Join our Yoga institute to keep yourself completely fit.”----An advertisement


I. People may prefer exercise to medication.

II. There is an awareness to a great extent about Yoga exercises among people.

13. Statement: If you want to get a good job you must have at least the basic knowledge of computers.


I. All good jobs involve use of computers.

II. Computer knowledge has been made an essential criterion by most of the companies nowadays.

14. Statement: As a measure to avoid occurrence of the epidemics due to monsoon the civic authorities have organized free vaccination camps all over the city.


I. There may be a good response to the camps organized by civic authorities.

II. people are generally aware about the need for vaccination.

15. Statements: In view of the large number of cases of suicides committed by the farmers in State X the State Government has decided to waive off the agriculture loans granted to the farmers.


I. This may stop further cases of suicides committed by the farmers in State X.

II. This move of the Government may be welcomed by the public at large.


1. (4)
2. (2)
3. (2)
4. (5)
5. (5)
6. (5)
7. (2)
8. (4)
9. (5)
10. (4)
11. (2)
12. (5)
13. (3)
14. (5)
15. (5)

31.purpose of PC (program counter)in a microprocessor is ----

a) To store address of TOS(top of stack)

b) To store address of next instructions to be executed

c) count the number of instructions

d) to store the base address of the stack.

32.conditional results after execution of an instruction in a microprocess is stored in

a) register b) accumulator c) flag register d) flag register part of PSW (program status word)

33.The OR gate can be converted to the NAND function by adding----gate(s)to the input of the OR gate.

a) NOT b) AND c) NOR d) XOR

34.In 8051microcontroller ,------has a dual function.

a) port 3 b) port 2 c) port 1 d) port 0

35.An 8085 based microprocessor with 2MHz clock frequency,will execute the following chunk of code with how much delay?







a) 102.3 b)114.5 c)100.5 d)120

36.In 8085 MPU what will be the status of the flag after the execution of the following chunk of code.





a)S = 1, Z = 0, CY = 1 b)S = 0, Z = 1, CY = 0

c) S = 1, Z = 0, CY = 0 d)S = 1, Z = 1 ,CY = 1

37.A positive going pulse which is always generated when 8085 MPU begins the machine cycle.

a) RD b) ALE c) WR d) HOLD

38.when a ----- instruction of 8085 MPU is fetched , its second and third bytes are placed in the W and Z registers.

a) JMP b) STA c) CALL d) XCHG

39.what is defined as one subdivision of the operation performed in one clock period.

a) T- State b) Instruction Cycle c) Machine Cycle d) All of the above

40.At the end of the following code, what is the status of the flags.





a) S = 1, CY = 0, P = 0 , AC = 1 b) S =0 , CY = 1, P = 0,AC = 1

c) S = 0, CY = 1, P = 0 , AC = 1 d) S = 0, CY = 1, P = 1 , AC = 1

46.The repeated execution of a loop of code while waiting for an event to occur is called ---------.The cpu is not engaged in any real productive activity during this period,and the process doesn’t progress towards completion.
a) dead lock b) busy waiting c) trap door d) none.

47. Transparent DBMS is defined as
a) A DBMS in which there are no program or user access languages. b) A DBMS which has no cross file capabilities but is user friendly and provides user interface management. c) A DBMS which keeps its physical structure hidden from user d) none.

48.Either all actions are carried out or none are.users should not have to worry about the effect of incomplete transctions.DBMS ensures this by undoing the actions of incomplete transctions.this property is known as
a) Aggregation b) atomicity c) association d) data integrity.

49.------ algorithms determines where in available to load a program. common methods are first fit,next fit,best fit.--------- algorithm are used when memory is full , and one process (or part of a process) needs to be swaped out to accommodate a new program.The ------------- algorithm determines which are the partions to be swaped out.
a) placement, placement, replacement
b) replacement, placement, placement
c) replacement, placement, replacement
d) placement, replacement, replacement

50.Trap door is a secret undocumented entry point into a program used to grant access without normal methods of access authentication.A trap is a software interrupt,usually the result of an error condition.
a)true b)false.

52.which one of the following is the recursive travel technique.

a)depth first search b)preorder c)breadth first search d)none. recursive implementations which of the following is true for saving the state of the steps

a)as full state on the stack

b) as reversible action on the stack

c)both a and b


56.which of the following involves context switch

a)previliged instruction

b)floating point exception

c)system calls



57.piggy backing is a technique for



c)flow control


58. a functional dependency XY is ___________dependency if removal of any attribute A from X means that the dependency does not hold any more

a)full functional

b) multi valued

c)single valued


59)a relation schema R is in BCNF if it is in ___________and satisfies an additional constraints that for every functional dependency XY,X must be a candidate key
a)1 NF

b)2 NF

c)3 NF

d)5 NF

60) a _________sub query can be easily identified if it contains any references to the parent sub query columns in the _________ clause

A) correlated ,WHERE

b) nested ,SELECT

c) correlated,SELECT

d) none

61) hybrid devise that combines the features of both bridge and router is known as

a)router b)bridge c)hub d)brouter

62) which of the following is the most crucial phase of SDLC

a)testing b)code generation c) analysys and design d)implementation

63)to send a data packet using datagram ,connection will be established

a)no connection is required

b) connection is not established before data transmission

c)before data transmission


64)a software that allows a personal computer to pretend as as computer terminal is

a) terminal adapter

b)terminal emulation



65) super key is

a) same as primary key

b) primary key and attribute

c) same as foreign key

d) foreign key and attribute

66.In binary search tree which traversal is used for ascending order values

a) Inorder b)preorder c)post order d)none

67.You are creating an index on ROLLNO colume in the STUDENT table.which statement will you use?

a) CREATE INDEX roll_idx ON student, rollno;

b) CREATE INDEX roll_idx FOR student, rollno;

c) CREATE INDEX roll_idx ON student( rollno);

d) CREATE INDEX roll_idx INDEX ON student (rollno);

68.A________class is a class that represents a data structure that stores a number of data objects

a. container b.component c.base d.derived

69.Which one of the following phases belongs to the compiler Back-end.

a. Lexical Analysis b.Syntax Analysis c. Optimization d.Intermediate Representation.

70.Every context _sensitive language is context_free

a. true b.false

71.Input:A is non-empty list of numbers L


For each item in the list L,do

If the item>x,then

Xßthe item

Return X

X represents:-

a)largest number

b)smallest number

c)smallest negative number

d) none

72.Let A and B be nodes of a heap,such that B is a child of A. the heap must then satisfy the following conditions





73.String ,List,Stack,queue are examples of___________

a)primitive data type

b)simple data type

c)Abstract data type


74.which of the following is not true for LinkedLists?

a)The simplest kind of linked list is a single linked list ,which has one link per node .this link points to the next node in the list,or to a null value or emptylist if it is the last node.

b)a more sophisticated kind of linked list is a double linkedlist or two way linkedlist .Each node has two links ,one to the previous node and one to the next node.

c) in a circleLinkedList ,the first and last nodes are linked together.this can be done only for double linked list.

d) to traverse a circular linkedlist ,u begin at any node and follow the list in either direction until u return to the original node.

75.sentinel node at the beginning and /or at the end of the linkedlist is not used to store the data

a) true

b) false

1.------- is associated with webservices.

a) WSDL b) WML c) web sphere d) web logic

2.any large single block of data stored in a database, such as a picture or sound file, which does not include record fields, and cannot be directly searched by the database’s search engine.


3.Areserved area of the immediate access memeory used to increase the running speed of the computer program.

a) session memory b) bubble memory c) cache memory d) shared memory

4.a small subnet that sit between atrusted internal network and an untruster external network, such as the public internet.

a) LAN b) MAN c) WAN d) DMZ

5.technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects,which is very similar to the barcode identification systems,seen in retail stores everyday.



float fl = 10.5;

double dbl = 10.5

if(fl ==dbl)

printf(“UNITED WE STAND”);




what is the output?

a)compilation error b)UNITED WE STAND c)DIVIDE AND RULE d)linkage error.


static int ivar = 5;





what is the output?

a)1 2 3 4 5 b) 5 4 3 2 1 c)5 d)compiler error:main cannot be recursive function.



extern int iExtern;

iExtern = 20;



what is the output?

a)2 b) 20 c)compile error d)linker error

9..#define clrscr() 100



printf(“%d\n\t”, clrscr());


what is the output?

a)100 b)10 c)compiler errord)linkage error



void vpointer;

char cHar = ‘g’, *cHarpointer = “GOOGLE”;

int j = 40;

vpointer = &cHar;


vpointer = &j;

printf(“%d”,*(int *)vpointer);

vpointer = cHarpointer;

printf(“%s”,(char*)vpointer +3);


what is the output?

a)g40GLE b)g40GOOGLE c)g0GLE d)g4GOO

11.#define FALSE -1

#define TRUE 1

#define NULL 0

main() {



else if(FALSE)





what is the output?


12.main() {

int i =5,j= 6, z;



what is the output?

a)13 b)12 c)11 d)compiler error

13.main() {

int i ;

i = accumulator();




_AX =1000;


what is output?

a)1 b)10 c)100 d)1000

14.main() {

int i =0;

while(+(+i--)!= 0)

i- = i++;



what is the output?

a)-1 b)0 c)1 d)will go in an infinite loop


int i =3;

for(; i++=0;)



what is the output?

a)1b)2c)1 2 3d)compiler error:L value required.


int i = 10, j =20;

j = i ,j?(i,j)?i :j:j;


}what is the output?

a)20 b)20 c)10 d)10


extern i;


int i =20;




what is output?

a) “Extern valueof i “ 20 b)Externvalue of i”c)20d)linker Error:unresolved external symbol i


int DIMension(int array[]){

return sizeof(array/sizeof(int);}


int arr[10];

printf(“Array dimension is %d”,DIMension(arr));


what is output?

a)array dimension is 10 b)array dimension is 1

c) array dimension is 2 d)array dimension is 5



void swap();

int x = 45, y = 15;


printf(“x = %d y=%d”x,y);


void swap(int *a, int *b){

*a^=*b, *b^=*a, *a^ = *b;

what is the output?

a) x = 15, y =45 b)x =15, y =15 c)x =45 ,y =15 d)x =45 y = 45



int i =257;

int *iptr =&i;

printf(“%d%d”,*((char*)iptr),*((char *)iptr+1));


what is output?

a)1, 257 b)257 1c)0 0d)1 1


int i =300;

char *ptr = &i;




what is output?

a)556 b)300 c)2 d)302




char *str =”yahoo”;

char *ptr =str;

char least =127;


least = (*ptr



what is the output?

a)0 b)127 c)yahoo d)y


Declare an array of M pointers to functions returing pointers to functions returing pointers to characters.

a)(*ptr[M]()(char*(*)()); b)(char*(*)())(*ptr[M])()

c)(char*(*)(*ptr[M]())(*ptr[M]() d)(char*(*)(char*()))(*ptr[M])();

24.void main(){

int I =10, j=2;

int *ip = &I ,*jp =&j;

int k = *ip/*jp;



what is the output?

a)2 b)5 c)10 d)compile error:unexpected end of file in comment started in line 4



char a[4] =”GOOGLE”;



what is the output?

a)2 b) GOOGLE c) compile error: yoo mant initializers d) linkage error.

26.For 1MB memory, the number of address lines required

a)12 b)16 c)20 d)32

27.There is a circuit using 3 nand gates with 2 inputes and 1 output,f ind the output.

a) AND b) OR c) XOR d) NAND

28.what is done for push operation

a) SP is incremented and then the value is stored.

b) PC is incremented and then the value is stored.

c) PC is decremented and then the value is stored.

d) SP is decremented and then the value is stored.

29.Memory allocation of variables declared in a program is ------

a) Allocated in RAM

b) Allocated in ROM

c) Allocated in stack

d) Assigned in registers.

30.What action is taken when the processer under execution is interrupted by TRAP in 8085MPU?

a) Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the execution of the current instruction.

b) processer serves the interrupt request after completing the current task.

c) processor serves the interrupt immediately.

d) processor serving the interrupt request depent deprnds upon the priority of the current task under execution.

It involve 140 question which include some English part also... numeric part was not so tough but it was very difficult to break english ques..

Technical Written:
It involve 55 question to be completed in 1 hour. it has all the subject questions which we have studied in B.Tech Computer Science.... Data Structure, DBMS, comp Architecture, comp n/w, etc.. cut off was 23.

Communication Round
After clearing the technical written we went for interview which first have communication round. main stress was given on fluency... so speak good one.. it also have an extempo in which one topic was given and we have to speak on that immediatly

Technical Interview
My technical interview was very long. it went for appox 50 min.
I: may i come in sir HR: yes sure.. I: Good evening sir

HR: very Good evening Ashish.. have a seat.. I sat he congratulated me for clearing my previous round.
HR: tell me about ur self I: i told
HR: well...r u familiar with C... I: yes
HR: WAP to print a pattern
I 1 min with no error
HR: what is ur area of intrest... I: sir data Stucture
Hr: ok... write aprogram to add a node to a link list? I wrote with output.. he was impressed and asked me can u write for doubly link list. I asked for paper he said let it be....
Hr: have done any project.. I: yes sir i have done a project in ASP.NET with C#. I explained my project. he asked me some coding i explained him...

HR: what it LAN? I:Answered..
HR: what is MAC? I:sorry sir....
HR: what is Modem? I:Answered..... then he passed me to HR round....

he asked me about the enviorment i would like to work.. i satisfy the bond and condition.. my family background... and very special my hobbies and my achivement I have written in my resume.


Aptitude round: (40 questions --40 mins)
It consited of hights nd distances, ages, anology, fill in the blanks with appropriate words,derive conclusions nd problems on distance and speeds nd puzzles, etc

some questions are!!
1. A 3*3 blck is given and should be filled frm 1...9 they gave 3 numbers nd when coundted horizontally, vertically and diagnally they should sum 15. they gave nearly 7 questions on this blk really easy if u practice sudoku.

2. If x,y are 2 positive integers and they are derived as follows:
then wats the value of f(3,0),f(1,2) etc nd hw f(1,2) can be derived in terms f(0,0),f(0,2),f(3,0)
there 5 questions relating to this.

3. 1 question on ages i dont properly remember the questions

4.7 questions on anlogy, fill in the blanks
5.deriving conclusions 10 questions

Technical written: (55 questions 60 min)
There were 2 sets for cse and non cse. I am frm IT so these are topics asked in my set:
1 Engineering mathematics-->2 questions
2 Theory of computations-->1 question
3 Computer organizations and architecture-->20 questions
4 Digital logic-->2 or 3 questions
5 Data structures-->8 qustions
6 Compilers-->7 ques
7 Mind test on personality-->5 questions

The test also includes operating systems, software engineering, general questions on sound cards some raid
it was tough

Communications test:
This is just cool bold they just ask hw do u make tea, wht u done if u suddenly get 2 crores, wht u do when u come 2 know u r going to die 2morrow, etc


1. C# is a native language of:
A.Java B. .Net C.Visual Basic

2. What is IMP in Objective C
A.Implementation pointer B.Important Pointer C.Intended Pointer

3. The width in bits of double primitive type in Java is --. Select the one correct answer.
1. The width of double is platform dependent 2. 64 3. 128 4. 8 5. 4

4. What would happen when the following is compiled and executed. Select the one correct answer.
2. class example {
3. int x;
4. int y;
5. String name;
6. public static void main(String args[]) {
7. example pnt = new example();
8. System.out.println("pnt is " + +
9. " " + pnt.x + " " + pnt.y);
10. }
11. }
1. The program does not compile because x, y and name are not initialized.
2. The program throws a runtime exception as x, y, and name are used before initialization.
3. The program prints pnt is 0 0.
4. The program prints pnt is null 0 0.
5. The program prints pnt is NULL false

5. Which of these lines will compile? Select all correct answers.
1. short s = 20;
2. byte b = 128;
3. char c = 32;
4. double d = 1.4;;
5. float f = 1.4;
6. byte e = 0;

6. What is contained in the directory /proc?:
a. System information b. Administrative procedures c. Boot procedures d. Documentation on your sytem
7. Transactions per rollback segment is derived from[DBA]
a. Db_Block_Buffer b. Processes, c. Shared_Pool_Size,
d. None of the above

8. These following parameters are optional in init.ora parameter file DB_BLOCK_SIZE, PROCESSES
a True, b False Ans : False

9. What is the purpose of different record methods 1) Record 2) Pass up 3) As Object 4) Ignore.

10. While running DOS on a PC, which command would be used to duplicate the entire diskette:


In the Aptitude test there were 40 ques nd you were given 40 minutes
3 ques on time speed distance....there are 2 stataions A nd B....the distance between them is 150 km.... slow train covers dat distance in 2.5 hrs nd fast train in 1.5 slow train leaves station A half an hour befor fast train....after wat time wud dey meet....nd at wat distance from(language was different)

dere was 1 ques on profit....calculate d CP of 1 hen nd den SP of 1 hen after dat profit on 1 hen....den an amount of profit was given u hd 2 calculate d no. of hens dat give dat amount of profit
2 ques on jumbled up sentences u hd to form a meaningful paragraph out of dem

3 ques on a paragraph...dere r 4 ppl, 1 is a dancer 1 is a painter 1 is a writer nd 1 is a singer....u hd 2 indentify which is a dancer which a singer.....

2 ques on...dere r 3 frens nd dey hv sum marbles wid x gives to y nd z amount of marbles which dey already hv...nd den z gives 2 x nd y amount of marbles which dey already dey hv equal no. of marbles...also total no. of marbles was given...u hv 2 make equations nd solve dis ques

rest of d ques were simple u cud easily solve dem.....

second was the Technical test....75 ques nd 40 min...
2 ques on binary search tree...which of d followin is d BST....nd wen u traverse a BST den which traversal arranges nodes in ascendin order...

which is d recursive traversal technique...breadth first search travesral...depth first search traversal...preorder...none of dese

ques on Transparent database
ques on superkey
ques on query related to creatin an Index
ques on sentinel node in link list
context sensitive lang is always context free..true or false
volt req. for a pentium processor
data lines in celeron processor
most imp. phase in s/w development
2 ques on use of extern storage class specifier
ques on poitnters in C
2-3 ques on microprcessor 8085

After dis u hv an HR interview
Last round is Tech interview.....u wud b askd ques on things u hv written in ur resume...


in written thy giv two tests:-
1) Quant/aptitude/Logical ppr 40ques in 40minutes
2) Technical test 75question in 40min

it was a very tough test i hav given test of 6-7 companies but CSC test was toughest
ther vr linear equations questions wich vr not at all easy
questions on sets
- permutaion combination
- arrangement logical ques
- distance speed ques
- time question

- ques like 90% of 1 litree milk and 60% of 40 litre water result in 67% mixture so wht is compostion of milk in litres?

- ques like f has pririty over h and g has priortiy over i so now 4-5 ques based on this

- length is increased by 5 and breadth is decreased ny 10 thn total is 200m and whn length decreasd by 5 and breadth increasd by 15 thn total is 75 m, find length

- a>b>c so wich is tru
ab>ac or a/b>b/c or som more options

- 6 girls and 6 boys, all boys and all girls will sit together so no of possible ways

- cow is tied with rope from two sides 40 40 cm and forming an angle 24 degree size of rope is 15cm so how much area in wich cow can graze

- 7 orange and 5 apples cost 16.90 rs and 5 oranges and 7 apples cost 2.60 so no of oranges

- ther is a place wher ppl r either no or yes. if ram sain 2and 2 makes four thn he is yes and similarly if mohan said 2 -1 is 2 thn he is no. so now ques based on this

- paragraph given and u hav to conlude or find contradicting line

Technical ques
- OS
- DS
- N/W
- Microprocessor(806139...)
- C, C++

- wht is piggybanking used for (acknowledgement)

- wht combines router and bridge (hub/brouter)

- tcp/ip is wht conection oriented or conectionless

- X.25 protcol is at wich layer

- wht is superkey (primarykey+attribute)

- wich join will u use to hav null values (outer)

- query was given find join type
select customer. is and order. is and name from customer, order
where (natural join)

- wich follow binary tree property

- som code of java given find no of dangling pointers

- linked list a->b and b pt to itself so wht type of linked list (infinite)

- which line is wrong abt linked list (circular list can be only implemented in doubly linked list)

- os question on context switch and sytem call

- microporcesor ques like result of 2 input , 1 o/p line and three annd gates is (nand)

- which gate need to combine with or gate to make nand gate

- transfer RO to local and local to RO and shift RO 3 timed thn local to RO so result is (RO=local)

- some instruction were given and u hav to find resultanf values of flags

- some instrcution was given find output shift 2 times right to 80008ff
- atomicity definiton was given and u hav to tell wich property it is (atomicity)

- questions vr given fill in the balnks three places (placemnt, replacemnt, replacment) order was correct

- wich normal from shld be saticsy to hav bcnf and one more condition was given

- som ques of physics given resistance and volts use so u hav to tell output (low voltage or high voltage or??)

- wich sort take o(n^2) time (quicksort)

- some prog given outer fro loop from 1 to n and inner frm 1 to k so time is O(nk)

- right output of preorder traversal som tree was given

- wht r abstract data types

- wht r steps of compiler (syntax, semantic,.)


CSC Placement Paper - Technical

1.with framework CASE tools IPSE can be achieved .IPSE is
a.integrated product software engineering.
b.integrated productivity simulation environment
c.inner project software estimation
Ans:d.inntegreted project support environment structured system devolepment (DSDD) is also called one of the below which is evolved from work on information domain analysis
b.yourdon methodology
Ans:c.warnier-or methodology
d.Kevin-yenn methodology

3.a.COCOMOestimation model is a single valued mode to compute software development effort(and cost)as a function of program size expressed in estimated lines of codes.
b..PUTNAM model is single valued model assuming a specific distribution of effort over life of software development project.
a.only a)is correct
b.only b)is correct
Ans:c.a ) and b)is correct
d.a)and b)is wrong

4.when in data coupling portion of a data structure(rather than simple argument)is passed via a model interface it is called one of the below
a.control coupling
Ans:b.stamp coupling
d.reference coupling

5.what is measure of reliability for a computer based system if MTBF=mean time between failure.MTTF=mean time to failure.MTTR=mean time to recover
a.functionality is accessed by evaluating o ne feature of program and capability of algorithm only
b.supportability means breath of premna application and death of standards used
a.a)and b)both correct
Ans:b.a)correct b)wrong
c.b)correct a)wrong
d.a)and b) both wrong question is not cleared

7.ur testing of basis paw message means software devolepme nt quatiative measure of logical complexity program of independent path in search of program cycle complexity
b.path complexity metric
Ans:c.cyclomatic complexity
d.none of above (question is not cleared so try to understand it) a general rule
a.MIS performane criteria determine management information needs and these needs determine the objective of the firm
b.the objective of the firm determine the management information needs and these needs determine the MIS performance criteria information needs determine the MIS performance criteria and these criteria determine the objective of form
d.the objectives of firm determine the MISpwrformance criteria and these criteria detemine the management information needs.

9.a relatively small project is to be developed by a small team with good applocation experience needing to fulfull less than rigid requirements. Using the basis COCOMA model calculate the effort in person-months if the estimated lines of code is 33200
Ans:a.95 person-months.
b.111 perso n-months
c.102 person-months
d.87 person-moths

10.CRC modeling provides a way for identifying classes their respomnsibilities and their collaboration .a collabration refers to. provided by a class to other classes
Ans:b.requests sent by a class to ther classes to fulfill its own responsibility.
c.taxonomy of class types
d.characterstics of a class

12.a software was developed using component assembly model.after some time and old componet is to be replaced by a new one without disturbing the overall fuctioning of the softwarwe.following statements is true.
a.the new component should be developed in the same language as the old one
b.the new component should have exactly the same attribute as the old one.
c.the new component should inplement exactly the same methods as the old one.
d.The new component should provide exactly the same interface as the old one.

13.a real time system is to be developed .the choice of database would most appropriately be
a.distributed databases because the reduce redundancy of data.
b.distributed databases because the facilate parallel data processing through miultitasking
c.centralized databases because of high computing power the server.
d.centralized databases because they provide better deadlock handling mechanism.

14.the following statement is equavalence echo~
Ans:a.echo $HOME

15.the equavalent of following statement is echo~bin
b.echo bin
d.echo pwd

16.the command that gives the process of ID of last command invoked

17.the output of the following shell script
$set-a planets mecury venus
$print ${planets[*]}
b.mercurity venus puto
c.Pluto mercury Pluto an error

18."let"command is used for
a.command substitution
b.arithmetic calculation create analias
d.not used the relationship(s)that denotes some semantic dependency among otherwise unrelated classes.
a.generilazation or specification.
b.part of
d.all of the above

20.object persistence is best described by the following
a.the ability to retain an object throughout the execution of a method
b.the ability to retain an object throughout the execution of a program
c.the ability to save objects from one execution of a program to the text.
Ans:d.the ability to retain an object throughout time and or space

21.what is socket ? how many required to make connection between two systems
a.a socket is 2-tuple having protocol and port number and requires 4sockets
b.a socket is 3-tuple having protocol address and port number and requires 4 sockets
c.a socket is 2-tuple having protocol and address and requires 2 sockets
Ans:d.a socket is 3-tuple having protocol address and port number and requires 2 sockets

22.TCP/IP runs on Ehtener
b.a token ring x.25 net
Ans:d.all of the above

23.the job og fragmentation and re-assembly of datagrams in TCP/IP protocol suite is done by access layer
b.internet layer
Ans:c.transport layer
d.application layer

24.the sequence number in TCP header is used to
a.identify the first byte of the enclosed data int segment
b.identify the computer
c.identify the port on which server is running

25.what is output of the final echo command
$ echo'x=goodbye'>sedtx
$sh setx ;x=bye
$echo $x

26. what would be the output of the following echo command in sequence?
$sh setx
$echo $x
$echo $x

27.memory reference instruction branch subroutine (BSB) IS given instruction transferming control to subroutine
b.first word of the subroutine
c.address of next instruction in sequence which is presently held in pc (return addres)
d.another BSBinstruction
28.assume memory units has 65536 words of 8bits.the number of bits in program counter.accumalator. memory address register instruction respectively are

29.which of the following instruction is used to load 2050h address toHL register pair?
a.LOD H,2050H
B.LOAD H,2050H

30.what will be the value of the accumalator having AAH after executing RLC instruction twice?

31.the top of the stack contains 5A&next byte down the stack is 14(all address in hexadecimal) the stack pointer (sp) containts instruction call subroutint stored at location 67AE whick is 3 bytes long is located at memory address 013F. What shall be the contents of Program Counter, SP and stack respectively after the call instruction is executed?

PC SP stack
a. 67AE 3A58 42,01,5A,14
b. 0142 3A58 01,42,5A,14
c. 67AE 3A56 42,01,5A,14
d. 0142 3A56 01,42,5A,14

32. Time oriented metrics is one of the below i.e. times it takes to analyze change request, design an appropriate modification, implement the change, test it and distribute to all users.


33. which of the following is not a tool for application prototyping?
a. Application Generators.
b. Third Generation Languages
c. Screen Generators
d. Report Generators.

34. For Real time process control or embedded software application having high algorithmic complexity programs. Which software process metrics would be most suitable for project measurements?

a. size oriented metrics
b. Function point metrics
c. Feature Point metrics.
d.3d functionpoint metrics

35. Regression testing is:

a. Testing the System under extreme conditions.
b. Testing the System after a new component is integrated into it to make sure that no additional errors are introduced.
c. Testing the system with an exhaustive range of data to make sure that all the conditions are tested.
d. Testing of a module by its developmer before releasing it for integration with the entire system.

36. For a module to be strongly cohesive:
a. it should ideally perform just one function.
b. Et should have well defined relationships with other modules in the system.
c. It should be compact in size.
d. It should not take any data as input parameter.

37. The approach used in Top Down Analysis and design is:
a. To identify a top level function by combining many smaller componen into a single entity.
b. To identify a top level function and then create a hierarchy of lower level modules and components.
c. To prepare flowchart after programming has completed.
d. None of the above.

38. Engineers use the CASE tolls to:
a. Analyze these requirements and determine their feasibility.
b. Design the system's general algorithms.
c. Design an actual detailed implementation in terms of target environment.
d. All of the above.

39. While constructing a data dictionary, the analyst considers:
a. Each data flow in the DFD has one data dictionary entry.
b. Definitions must be readily accessible by name.
c. There should be no redundancy in data definition.
e. All of the above.

40. The procedure for evaluating relative performance of defferent systems is referred to as:
a. Parallel processing.
b. Bench marking.
c. Comparative analysis.
d. Standard Evaluation.

41. The variable used to change the secondary prom string is:
a. PS3
b. PS1
c. PS2
d. Not possible.

42. The command used to send signals to specified job:
a. send
b. kill
d. kill

43. When the complesity of a problem domain is modeled in an Object Oriented design, it takes the form of a
a. Hierarchy b. Graph c. Tree d. none

44. Which of the following statements is true?
a. An object has a state, behaviour and identity.
b. An object has only state and behaviour.
c. An object has only behaviour and identity.
d. An object has state and identity.

45. Object Oriented Analysis is a method
a. In which the system is viewed as a set of autonomous agents that collaborate to perform higher level behaviour.
b. In which programs are organized as co-operative collection of objects, each of which represents an instance of some classes and whose classes are all a members of a hierarchy classes united via inheritance relationships.
c. Encompassing the process of object oriented decomposition and a notation for depicting both logical and physical as well as static and dynamic models of a system.
d. That examines requirements from the perspective of the classes and objects fount in the vocabulary of the problem domain.

46. Encapsulation constitutes:
a. Identifying the essential characteristics of and obhect.
b. Separation of contractual interface of an abstraction and its implementation.
c. The property of a system that is decomposed into a set of acohesive and loosely coupled modules.
d. Ordering of abstractions.

47. The enforcement of the class of anf object is reffered to as:
a. Modularity b. Abstraction c. Typing d. Binding

48.The Gateway and the Router are used in the following sense :
a. Gateway moves the data between different networks of the same protocol and the Router moves the data between different network of different protocol.
b. Gateway moves the data between different networks if different protocols and the Router moves the data berween different network of the same protocol.
c. Gateway and the router are used for security.
d. None of the above.

49. Which of the following is a Network Mamagement Protocol?a.DNS

50. ip uses 4bytes many butes address IPX uses-

51.IPaddress192.10.100.3is an example of the class
d.D TCP/IP protocol suite the protocol which controls the flow of data is-

53.ARPprotocol is used to- IP address to physical address EthernetAddress to IP address
c.both of above
d.none of above

54.what is the output ofthe two echo commands
$export x
$sh -
$echo sx
$ctrl-d leave this shell

d.none oe abovge

55.the command
a.sleep and date both run simultanously in background
b.sleep and date both run simultanously,sleep in foreground and date in background
c.after sleep finishes running in foreground than date runs in foreground

56.following are the contents of a file file
echo $#
echo $*
echo $1
what would be output of following
$ shfiles 1,2,3
c.file 1

57what will be the outputs of the following commands
expr 4+3
expr 4*3
expr 4*3
a. 7,2,8,syntax error,12
b.7,2,8,12,syntax error
d.7,2,12,syntax error

58which of th statement is not true forsticky bit.
a.can be set for a file.
b.has no efect if thefile nis a dir.
c.tells unix to leave an executable in a memo ry after a program has finished executaion
59.make utility is editor on unix restor the system status
c.a utility for devlopment of program
d.none e following input is absent on a romchip as compared to ram chip- input
b. write input
c. chipselect
d. both a & b

61.the digital computer has memory unit with 8 bits per word. the struction set consist of six different
operation.each struction is stored in one word of memoryand consistof opcud part and address part . how many words can be address in memory

62.output of following will be
char p="A";
int q=65;
case 1:
printf("%dand %c",p.,q);
a.A AND 65
b.65 AND A
c.A and 65
65 and A
d.65 and A
A and 65

63output of following will be
# include
unsigned short p=pow(2,15)+pow(2,9)+pow(2,6)+poe(2,0); //33345
char c;
64. p in following statement is
int (*p(char *a))[10];

65.value of expression *(((p))name +2))) at the end of programm will be
struct account
int accno,
char *name;
float balance;
agent *p=&agent; smith;
a.tom smith
d.none of this

66.state which one is corerect SQL


67which type of join is used in following SQL

empid name deptid deptid deptname

.1 A 11 11 AAAAA
2 B 11 22 BBBBB
3 C 22 33 CCCCC
4. D 22
5 E 23

which is the correct result set out of above SQL and table data

a. A 11 AAAAA



11.2 'S complement of binary 110110101id

70.equivalent octal number for binary 10001010111
a. 2127

71.while exucuting a programm if the 8085/8080A MPU fetches the machine code located at the memory address 2057H then jthe content of the programm counter is

72number of address line required on the chip of 2k memory

73.the sequence followed bby the storage and retrieval of data bytes on the stacks

74.another name for RS flip flop
a.a stable multivibrator
b.bistable multivibrator
c.monostable multivibrator

equivelent BCDrepresentation of binary 1100010


This is the paper on General aptitude.This paper is very very important as far as ones selection is
concerned.U have to be very fast and accurate and U have to score at least above 80 to be selected
for interview.The criteria for the test was 60% throughout in 10th,12th,
grad and MCA upto iv sem.Here about 150 students sat for the test and 15 were shortlisted for the
interviews.So U can see the degree of the competition.The company is good and work hard U can
get through.Start practising Mental abulity from RS Agarwal Specially PUZZLES,NUMBER
Though I am sending U the technical paper also but that will be available to almost all of U and
so that is not so important for selection.Just attempt about 60 questions out of 75 in that paper.


NO of ques : 100
Time : 40 minutes
This paper was divided into 7(seven) sections:
1. Sequence figures : 10 questions
In this section U have to trace out the next
figure in the given sequence OR find out the
ODD figure from given four figures. This is
very simple section and U can do it
very easily.
2. Numerical Series : 15 questions
In this section U have to find the odd no in
given series OR find the next no in the given
series OR what comes in place of ? in a series.
Practice this type of question from R.S
Agarwal.I remember only few question which I am
trying to give below:
6 9 12 ? 6
6 ? 9 9 6
9 12 6 3 6
this is just the type of ques.It may not be the exact
one.U see that the sum of each row is 36.
So ?=6.There were many ques of this type.
3 6 18 ? 7 8
1 2 6 6 3 2
This types if questions were there in
which U have to find the no replacing ?....
3. Non verbal reasoning : 15 questions
Here U are given 4 squares figures (a,b,c,d)
differing slightly in thickness of their sides
Now U are given a few set of figures with some
figures left out.These blanks are numbered 1 to 15.U
have to fit one of the above given square figures in each blank.This is a
very simple question and U can do it easily.
4. Analytical Reasoning :15 Questions
This section contained questions as given in puzzle
section of RS Agarwal.It contains 4
parts with 5,5,3,2 questions.Just do it with
patience.Make tables and then U will easily answer the questions
following it..
I don't remember the exact question but I am sending
approximately same question:
(i).Four friends are given named Akansha,Anuska,Anisha,
... , ... .Each of them live in a separate home and
sleep on one bed.Akansha and Anuska have two extra beds,two of
the house have green lawns while the rest have narrow porchs,One of the house has
Airconditioner while the rest have fans.And so on..
Based on these informations five questions were asked like
What is the total no of beds in all houses?
ans:14(not sure!!just check it)
Who lives in the house with green lawn and with AC?
These type of questions are very simple.Just make the table and
U will get all the answers
(ii).Five students and five subjects and given along with few
information.Five questions are asked following the questions.This is a bit tricky do
it in the end.
(iii).In a given knockout series England defeated
Pakistan,Pakistan was defeated by Newzealand,
India defeated both England and Newzealand.
Three very simple questions were asked like:
Who won the series? ans: India
Who didn't win a single match? ans: Pakistan
How many matches were played in total?
(iv). This is also very simple question..U can answer it easily.
5. Spatial resoning : 15 Questions
This question is similar to the MIRROR IMAGE
part of RS Agarwal.A Figure is given and U have to identify the
figure which "CANNOT BE" the mirror image of the given figure which
can be rotated along any axis.
6. English aptitude : 15 Questions
This section contains two parts:
(i). 5 questions asking synonym of given words.
(one of the word is quiet ans:silent)
(ii).10 questions aksing to identify words not
similar in meaning to the given words.
(one of the word is mutiny and the alternatives
are a)uprising b)rebel
c)revolt,d).... answer:b )
7. 3D reasoning : 15 Questions
This section contained questions in which a 3
dimentional figure is given and U have to judge how it would look from
the side indicated in the question like from below,from back etc.
Also there are questions in which a sheet is given
with marks on it along which it can be folded.U have to judge from the given
option the three dimentional structure which can be build
by folding the sheet along the given lines .